Counter Transnational Threats and Protect Global Security

Fighting Illicit Economies and Disrupting Crime Convergence


  • money-bag-128

    $3.6T – Global Cost of Corruption

  • gun-5-128

    $2.2T – Revenues Generated by Organized Crime

  • banknotes-128

    2T - Amount of Money Laundered per Year

  • $509B – Value of Counterfeit Goods

  • $258B – Value of Global Environmental Crimes

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Innovative Strategies and Solutions To Enhance Value

At ICAIE, we work tirelessly to create solutions to fight illicit trade, countereiting, corruption, TBML, and other crimes. We help you understand, navigate, and manage today’s global security landscapes and market threats.  

How Illicit Economies Thrive

Nefarious activities such as human trafficking, arms smuggling, counterfeiting, money laundering, cybercrime, or illegal wildlife trade are lucrative businesses. It continues to fuel the size of the illicit economy.

Bad actors and threat networks benefit from their patronage of illicit economies. They can infiltrate governments, undermine the justice systems, exploit communities, move counterfeit and contraband across lax borders, and do many other illegal activities.

Why We Choose To Fight

Illicit economies and crime convergence thrive from dirty money derived from corruption, illegal trading, organized crime, and financial threats.

ICAIE advances threat intelligence, innovative security solutions, and public-private partnerships that help fight illicit trade and crime convergence in the United States, and globally.

Get in Touch With Us

Learn more about our initiatives, projects, reports, and news updates.